Leviticus 24:2 “Command the children of Israel that they bring to you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually.
The Israelites had been led out of Egypt, not by Moses, but by God Himself. He had guided them day and night by a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire. In the darkness, they were never really in the dark! God had led them to Mount Sinai where He gave them the law. Soon they would continue and complete their journey to the Promised Land. The pillars of cloud and fire would no longer be necessary. But God still wanted to guide them daily. The light would be kept constantly burning in the tabernacle. A steady supply of consecrated oil would be provided so that it never went out.
Often in the Old Testament, oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit in our lives. Walking through life without the daily influence of the Holy Spirit is why so many begin wandering and are lost. A memory, of a time when God was close to us from days gone by will not suffice. We need a daily renewal so that the ‘lamp burns continually.’
The disciples were greatly distressed when Jesus was getting ready to go away. But He said that when He went away He would send the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be with us, and in us, every day if we will invite Him.
We sometimes wish for the flash of a movement of God; for a miracle. But it is the steady burning light of the Holy Spirit that will guide us daily on our way and into all truth.
“Come Holy Spirit. I need Thee.”
Pastor Russ