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If Not For God

February 12, 2024, 6:05 PM

Psalm 124:2-3 Had it not been the Lord who was on our side When people rose up against us, Then they would have swallowed us alive, When their anger was kindled against us;    

    After the Super Bowl was over, the field was packed with people. The teams were there, of course, but lots of family members and there was the press. Members of the media hoping that they would be the one first able to stick their microphone in the face of the quart-erback or other star players to ask them about their victory. Often, at moments like this, someone will say something like, “We just wanted it more.” I’m always left shaking my head at that statement. Did the winners just ‘want it more’?

    For many people, sports is a metaphor for life. When we have been through a difficult season of life, a real battle, and we somehow come out on the other side feeling a measure of victory, do we spend time considering what just happened? I’m guessing no one ever stuck a microphone in your face to ask, but have we interviewed ourselves as it were to gain insight? If so, and our answer was, “I was able to see victory in this situation because I just wanted it more. I had more heart. Etc.” then we probably should be glad for the absence of the microphone! 

    When the psalmist had come through difficult times and had seen a positive result to the struggle, he took pen and paper and conducted his own interview. For him, the answer was clear. It wasn’t about heart, or desire, or any other silly sentiments. He wasn’t looking at life through the lens of a mirror. He was looking at life through the lens of Scripture. “If it hadn’t been for the Lord…” 

    When difficult times come, as they surely do to all of us, we need to look up. Not just for higher ground as a place of escape, but to the Lord. (See Psalm 121). The Lord sees everything at once. We only see the barrier in front of us. If we hope to celebrate the end of the difficulty we’re in some day, we should begin praising Him now as the One who will see us safely through. He is the One who can carry us through to victory. I want to be ready to praise Him, not my perceived level of desire. 



Pastor Russ