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Make A Good Difference

March 7, 2022, 11:49 AM

Joshua 22:20  Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? And that man did not perish alone in his iniquity.’ ”

    It’s considered best practice among teachers not to “punish the whole class for the act of one student.” It seems just. It seems logical. We value individualism very highly. There are some valid and positive aspects of this type of thinking. So, for example,  it’s always considered a great outrage if the whole class is kept late after the bell because one student caused a problem!

    But the reality is often the exact opposite of what we might wish. We do often suffer because of the negative actions of another. The story of Achan comes in the seventh chapter of Joshua. It occurred at the time of Jericho, their first action in the land. Yet here, after a lot of time has passed, they are still talking about him. Achan’s life is a reminder that we can either be a great example or a terrible warning. Because of his sin, his family and thirty-six men died.

    Our lives matter. But they matter to more than us. We may not think of it regularly, but our choices of whether to obey God or not, to follow Him closely or not, do affect other people. Our sin may not be the direct cause of death of another, but maybe we should assume it might!

    We do not live our lives only unto ourselves. Though we may not always see it, the way we live and the choices we make are, in a real sense, either making it easier for others to follow God or easier for them to disregard His call on their life. Thought of in that way, it could be said that our sin could be a direct factor in the death (spiritual death) of another. That’s a terrible thought! But, what if our lives are making it easier for others to believe in and follow God? 

    We want to make a difference. But Achan made a difference. He didn’t fail because he didn’t know what God wanted. He just prioritized his desires over God’s. He made a difference, just not a good one. 

    We have influence! It may not be world-changing but it just might change the world of one or two! With only two options available, I want to pass on ‘terrible warning’ and choose ‘great example’. God’s word is available to me and He wants to empower me to choose His way, but the choice is mine. (Others are hoping I make the right choice!)     



Pastor Russ