Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’
One of the many lessons my mother taught me as a child was to be careful with money. She taught me to plan ahead, to save, to tithe. Over the course of my years at home this lesson was imparted. She could have continually shared stories of her own frugality and how it had helped her. She could have shown me on a spreadsheet using financial data. Usually though, she taught this lesson by saying “Don’t nickel and dime your money away.” I heard that a lot! Since I worked from about 6th grade on, I got a paycheck. This was occasion to hear “Don’t just nickel and dime that away!” It never felt like nagging. More like encourage-ment. I still remember it. I remember the lesson she was driving at. Though rarely with actual nickels and dimes.
God, through Moses, gave the Israelites a system of worship that involved animal sacrifice. They were given specifics. The blood was emphasized. When sacrifices were made, the blood was a key part of the ritual. The blood was sprinkled on the altar. There was one sacrifice that was key. That one was for atonement. The pardoning or forgiving of their sin. A payment, you might say. They sinned. But the animal - a ‘spotless’ animal - paid the price. This happened again and again and just became ingrained in their psyche.
Then Jesus came. He was a unique person in every way. When John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing, Jesus showed up and John declared, “Behold! The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world!” That must have seemed odd.
Jesus lived a sinless life. No one could honestly claim He had done anything wrong. The ones who arrested Him had hired witnesses to lay claims against Him. Pilate said, “I find no fault in Him.” You might say He had a spotless record.
But, of course, that didn’t stop them from executing Him. Rather, Jesus said He laid down His own life. His life was offered as a sacrifice on the cross. His blood was spilled. But that was what He came for.
His sacrifice was what all those animal sacrifices had pointed to. They had to be repeated over and over. His sacrifice was a once-for-all event! Their blood was a symbol. His blood saves from sin! When we accept His sacrifice for our sins, we can walk in freedom with Him forever!
Mom taught me about nickels and dimes that I might enjoy much more. Leviticus teaches about sacrifice that I might see and recognize the real Lamb of God!
Pastor Russ