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September 30, 2024, 7:00 AM

Revelation 10:11  And he said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”

    John had lived a long time. He could remember when he was a young man at the boats, the day Jesus came to him and said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” He was among the 72 some time later when Jesus sent them out to preach His message. And, of course, he was there with ten of the other disciples when the risen Lord commanded to “Go make disciples of all nations” just before He ascended to Heaven. 

    Now he is an old man. He has this vision of what will happen at the end of time and in the middle of the vision, he is once again told that he has to carry the message to all people. 

    As Christians, we have a mission. Spreading the Gospel is not a job that ‘other believers’ have. It is something all of us are called to. When we read the word ‘nations’ in today’s verse we might think of foreign mission fields, and that is certainly included. But the word in the Greek is ethnos, from which we get ethnicity. So people groups, ethnicities, languages, and rulers. It’s a big list. But there are a lot of Christians if only we will rise to do what Jesus asked!

    We must live in obedience to the Lord. Our lives must reflect our message. We may be nervous about sharing the Gospel for a number of reasons, but if our lives don’t reflect the Gospel then our words won’t matter. So we start there. But that’s only the start.

    We need to ask our Lord, how we might share His message with those around us. We may feel like we don’t have much influence, but I think we’d be surprised how much we really have. People we know, know people. And they know people. We just have to be faithful. 

    Jesus wants everyone to hear the Good News! Prophesy again!



Pastor Russ