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The Rainbow

October 21, 2024, 8:00 AM

Genesis 9:13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.


Whenever I think about God and HIs work in the world, it doesn’t take long to get overwhelmed! He is the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, ever-living God! He has always been and will always be. He needs nothing and has never needed anything. But He did want something once. He wanted to create mankind that He might have relationship with His creation and show us His love.

Sometimes we get a wrong view of God in our minds. We start to think that He is out to get us or out to spoil our fun. We think that He just wants to keep things from us. This is completely wrong. Other times we might be tempted to think that God really doesn’t care what we do. That He will love us and show us His love no matter what choices we make. This is also wrong.

In the garden, God showed His love to Adam and Eve and He showed them their limits. They disregarded His word and His will and sinned. All have suļ¬€ered because of that. Not many chapters later we read that mankind had so fallen away from considering God and His ways that God was going to start over. He was going to send a flood. Noah was instructed to build an ark and save his family and the animals. (There was plenty of room for other people to come along if they wished.)

The earth was flooded. Think Helene times 10,000! Nothing was left. Only Noah’s ark was safe. When the waters receded, God made a promise to Noah. He would never again flood the earth in total judgment. And then He did something truly amazing: He made a rainbow to assure Noah that He would keep His word! Noah should have bee the one making assurances, but it was God!

The rainbow, contrary to popular belief, is a symbol of what God will and won’t do. How sad that it has been made a symbol of the very thing that caused all the trouble in the first place: pride.


Pastor Russ