Pastor's Blog >


September 2, 2024, 8:06 AM

James 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

    In a recent iOS update, iPhone users were excited to learn that a text could be ‘un-sent.’ Anyone that has texted has likely either had the horrible realization that a text was sent that shouldn’t have been, or has had fears that it might happen! But with this new technology, if it is caught within a certain timeframe, the text can be pulled back. 

    Oh that such technology existed for our mouths! How much grief would be spared, how many relationships would still be intact and thriving if it did! But as we know, you just can’t ‘unsay’ something. Once it’s out there, the damage is done. Or rather, that’s how we wish it was. Sadly, damage may be just beginning. 

    Every year there are wildfires in the western states. When such a fire occurs, researchers look for the cause of the fire. Sometimes it’s a lighting strike - a force of nature terrible in its own right. But often, the wildfire that burns countless acres of land, destroying natural beauty and homes alike, is started by carelessness. Just a little fire that was, at first, insignificant. 

    James knew the damage that words can do. He knew how we should be diligent to do what we can to control the problem. He would have agreed with my father who was always telling me, “You don’t have to say everything you think!” 

    As Christians, we are people of the word. The Gospel comes to us via the word. The Bible is God’s life-giving Word. Jesus is the Word. When God created the world He used a word. Words are unbelievably important. We cannot believe all that and then be careless with our words. James also says that the same mouth should produce blessing and cursing! God will help us, but we must be careful!

    There is no ‘unsay’ function!



Pastor Russ